
  • Michael McPhee: Can you make money from philosophy? Max Dugan: Yeah, if you have the right one. Michael McPhee: He's gonna go into philosophy. Nora McPhee: Why? Michael McPhee: 'Cause that's what he wanted. Nora McPhee: Who told you that? Michael McPhee: Mr. Wichenstein. Nora McPhee: Who's Mr. Wichenstein? Michael McPhee: Mr. Parker. Nora McPhee: Mr. Parker is Mr. Wichenstein? [doorbell rings] Nora McPhee: Umm... oh... what did he tell you?... Look, don't go into uhh, what's his name's room. I think there's something severely wrong with him! [doorbell again] Max Dugan: Uh, do you want me to get that? Nora McPhee: It's the police! Max Dugan: Nevermind. Nora McPhee: How do I know you have six months to live? Max Dugan: We could sit here and wait. Nora McPhee: Michael, go do your homework... [to Max] Nora McPhee: There isn't something in his room that does his homework is there? Michael McPhee: [looking at the new refridgerator] It has an ice crusher! Nora McPhee: Don't crush ice! Don't crush anything! It's a mistake! It doesn't belong to us! Max Dugan: My name isn't Parker. Michael McPhee: Its not? Max Dugan: No. Its Wichenstein. Michael McPhee: Wichenstein? Max Dugan: Gus Wichenstein. Max Dugan: Maybe I'm your father, but you're not my daughter. Do you know what Kierkegaard once said? Nora McPhee: Yes! And I'm not interested in any more of your roommates! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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