Class Reunion (1982)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
  • 片       名Class Reunion
  • 上映时间1982年10月29日
  • 导       演 Michael Mi...
  • 又       名Class Reunion
  • 编       剧 约翰·休斯
  • 剧       情
    Lizzie Borden High's class of '72 are going through the motions at their tenth-year reunion, until deranged alum Walter Baylor, driven insan...


  • Bob Spinnaker: My father didn't keep me out of Vietnam so that I could die in my own high school! Walter Baylor: [holding a knife] One more move and she gets a hole where she doesn't need one. Dr. Robert Young: I know Walter Baylor intimately. Meredith Modess: Really? Well, did you know he was going to kill Milt? Dr. Robert Young: Yes. Meredith Modess: Then why didn't you try to stop him? Dr. Robert Young: I couldn't find a parking spot. Hubert Downs: Walter if you come on down I promise if we're ever in the shower together again I won't snap your nuts with my towel. Hubert Downs: Let me handle this. Hey, Walter, listen, you're making a big deal out of nothing. You're not unique you know. Everyone in class had sex with your sister. Dr. Robert Young: He was institutionalized shortly after graduating from here. He committed a heinous crime against his parents with an upright vacuum cleaner. [While hiding in a cupboard] Bunny Packard: Whoever has his hand where his hand shouldn't be please remove it... Hubert. Hubert Downs: Hey Bunny, it's not my hand! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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