Cheech & Chong's Next Movie (1980)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名Cheech & Ch...
  • 上映时间1980年07月18日
  • 导       演 汤米·钟
  • 剧       情
    Cheech must deal with losing his job, his angry neighbor, and trying to score with sexy Donna. Meanwhile, Chong meets Cheech's cousin Red an...


  • Cheech: Responsibility is a heavy responsibility! Cheech (singing): Mexican Americans / love education / so they go to night school / and take Spanish / and get a B. [to a girl on the phone] Cheech: You wanna come over to my place? Okay. I'll be here with balls on. Cheech: Somebody ripped off the thing I ripped off! Gloria's Mom: [while driving] Watch the road. Cheech: OK, where's it gonna go. Cheech: [seeing a jar with a yellowish fluid inside] Hey Man, what took you so long. Hey, can have some of that man, let me have a sip. Chong: What, this, oh here. [hands him the jar] Cheech: Yeah man...wait a minute, [sniffs the inside] Cheech: Hey man, that's pee! Chong: Of course. Cheech: Hey man, what are you doing with pee, man? Chong: It's for my probation officer. Cheech: What, does he drink pee? Chong: No man, he said he wanted me to bring some in next time, but I forgot to rinse the jar out first, and once he sees the mayonnaise floatin' around, he'll think I'm on some weird drug again, and I'm really gonna f**k with his mind this time. Cheech: Yeah, what did you do? Chong: Put my SISTERS pee in it. Cheech: [laughs it out] Your sister!?! Chong: Yeah, she's pregnant! [both laugh] Cheech: So, how about it man, did she get the weed? Chong: No man, she's out of it, We're just waiting on some from Columbia. Guard at the Studio Entrance.: [To Cheech] Hey, Fella, you need a pass. Cheech: [Cheech is covered in ashes after the car explosion] Oh, uh...I'm with the Towering Inferno, man. Guard at the Studio Entrance.: [To Cheech after leaving in a van] Hey, Fella, your pass? Cheech: Pass, oh thanks a lot man. [After shifting gasoline that has spilt on their clothes, Chong tries to light a joint.] Chong: You got a light, man? Chong: Huh, oh yeah, here [hands him a lighter] Chong: Hey I don't think you better light it in here, man. Chong: Why? Cheech: Ah, these gas fumes, man. Chong: Oh man. [flicks the lighter] Cheech: I don't know. [the inside of the car explodes] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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