大贼嬉春 (1974)

  • 英国
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  • 冒险  喜剧


  • Lady Daley: All this talk of Big Dick. I've had enough of it! [Madame Desiree passes him on the stairs carrying a sword] Capt. Desmond Fancey: I wouldn't fancy a poke with that. Madame Desiree: What did you say? Capt. Desmond Fancey: Your blade, ma'am. Madame Desiree: I shouldn't worry [pointing the blade at his crotch] Madame Desiree: You don't look as if you've got much to lose. ["Big" Dick is points his pistol at Madame Desiree] Madame Desiree: That Doesn't scare me. I've seen bigger ones in my time. Dick Turpin: That doesn't surprise me. Reverend Flasher: Ah, I see. Well, I'd like to use my organ again. Capt. Desmond Fancey: I beg your pardon? Reverend Flasher: The bellows are leaking and they do cost so much to repair them. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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