"The Jeffersons" (1975)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
"The Jeffersons"
  • 片       名"The Jeffe...
  • 上映时间1975年01月18日(美国)
  • 导       演 Jack SheaBob Lally


  • advertisement George Jefferson: She's what you call, a domestic. Louise Jefferson: You make it sound like a disease! George Jefferson: If I paid you to think, you could cash your check at the penny arcade. Florence Johnston: Where do you think I cash it now? Louise Jefferson: Lionel, you'd better go to your room. I don't want you to get hit by your father. Lionel Jefferson: Why would Dad hit me? Louise Jefferson: Because I'm not sure just where I'm going to throw him! Florence Johnston: How come we overcame and nobody told me? [George Jefferson and Tom and Helen Willis are locked in the Jefferson's bathroom and can't get out] Florence Johnston: [outside bathroom door, to Helen] You and Mr. Jefferson are in the bathroom together? [pause] Florence Johnston: Don't worry; Mr. Willis will never hear it from me! Mother Jefferson: I don't have to stay here and be insulted! Louise Jefferson: That's right Mother Jefferson, YOU CAN GO ANYWHERE & BE INSULTED! George Jefferson: This here is the living area, where we does our living, and this is the dining area, where we does our dining, and this is the kitchen area... Louise Jefferson: Where we does our kitchening. Hugo Mojelewski: Hi! Remember me? Louise Jefferson: [to George] Your nose is so high you need a 10 foot pole to pick it! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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