Buffalo Girls (1995)

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Buffalo Girls
  • 片       名Buffalo Girls
  • 上映时间1995年04月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 罗德·哈迪


  • Teddy Blue: I'm too old to start drinking whiskey at ten in the morning. Calamity Jane: Yeah, well, I'm too old to stop. No Ears: All massacres are alike - the smell of death, the big birds to pick the bones clean. Calamity Jane: Now you've been my friend for a long time, Blue, but if you feel lower than the scum on the bottom of a pond right now, you got it comin'! Calamity Jane: Them last few days of wildness was our glory days. Calamity Jane: There comes a time in the life of every gold town when it either gets civilized or goes bust. Before it makes up its mind which, men go crazy drinking, gambling, whoring... cutting into each other's claims and shooting each other over trifles. Deadwood just happened to be in its hellfire days. [in a letter to her daughter] Calamity Jane: In them days, Janey, there was only two ways for a woman to survive out west - wifin' and whorin'. Since I wasn't cut out for either one, I had to find my own way of surviving. So I lived like a man and sometimes passed myself off as one. It got kind of sticky at times, but it gave me a kind of freedom that few women ever knew. Calamity Jane: Billy, I got a real itch to shoot somebody this morning, so as an old friend, I'm advising you to stay out of my way. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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