复仇天使 (1995)

  • 美国
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  • 西部
  • 片       名复仇天使
  • 上映时间1995年01月22日(美国)
  • 导       演 克雷格·巴克斯利


  • Utley: You know, Alpheus, the problem with polygamy is that when you've had 27 wives and 56 children, one's just bound to turn out as dirt-stupid and pig-ugly as you. Bill Hickman: Blood atonement. That made it easy. Save a wicked man's soul by spilling his blood and raise you own self up in the process. Salvation for the victim, exaltation for the slayer. A good deal for both parties. Milton Long: It's easy enough to assassinate a powerful man. The real trick, the art of it, is finding someone else to put the blame on. Miles Utley: You bastard! I'm sending you to hell! Liza Rigby: No, Miles, don't! I'm all right. Don't kill him, please! Don't kill him! Miles Utley: After all he's done! After all the death and deceit, you're trying to save his soul? Liza Rigby: No, I'm trying to save your soul! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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