Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge (1987)

  • 美国
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  • 冒险  西部
Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge
  • 片       名Gunsmoke: Retur...
  • 上映时间1987年09月26日(美国)
  • 导       演 文森特·麦克维利
  • 又       名Gunsmoke: Return to Dodge
  • 编       剧 Jim Byrnes


  • [first lines] [to two young Indian boys] Logan: Git! [to Dillon, who is carrying a bale of furs] Logan: Them papooses - I'd keep 'em out if I was you. If it ain't nailed down, they'll steal it. Matt Dillon: They live here. Logan: Well, I guess a squaw is better than no woman a'tall, huh? Matt Dillon: You were given 15 years in territorial prison, Logan. What are you doin' out? Logan: Lookin' for you. Been a long look, Dillon, but I promised myself I'd pay you back. Here I am. Matt Dillon: Mister, you aren't the first gunny come lookin' for me. There's two more buried out in back there. Now you better drop the gunbelt. Logan: Now why should I do that? Matt Dillon: 'Cause I got one aimed right at your belly. Logan: You gotta be desperate runnin' a bluff like that. [Dillon shoots the cup out of Logan's hand] Matt Dillon: Drop the gun... Now that hideout gun that's holdin' up your backbone. Logan: You don't leave a man a lot, do you, Marshal? Matt Dillon: Mister, you didn't bring a whole lot with ya! Logan: What's that I hear? Matt Dillon: Oh, that's just a little whitewater up ahead. Logan: I can't swim! Matt Dillon: You can walk can't you? Logan: Walk? Matt Dillon: Yeah. You have to make two trips. First you take these pelts down around the rapids, then you come back and carry the canoe. It's only a couple of miles. Logan: Carry the canoe? The hell I will! Matt Dillon: The hell you won't. Dr. Galen Adams: Kitty, I know this has been harder on you then anybody. He's going to be all right. I promise. Kitty Russell: What about next time, Doc? What can you promise me about that? Matt Dillon: I was wonderin' if you were going to come to say goodbye. Kitty Russell: I was wonderin' too. It isn't easy. Matt Dillon: No, Kitty, it isn't. Kitty Russell: Matt, I-I don't you want to think... Well, it isn't that it's... Matt Dillon: Kitty, we've never needed explanations, have we? Kitty Russell: No. Goodbye, Matt Matt Dillon: Goodbye, Kitty [Matt has just knocked out a young Army officer who tried to arrest him] Matt Dillon: I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but I don't have time to play games. Bright Water, Jake Flagg's Daughter: He was looking for my father, too? Matt Dillon: That's right. Bright Water will you look after him? The boy is as green as they come, but he does have backbone. One of these days, he'll make a hell of an officer. Bright Water, Jake Flagg's Daughter: A blue belly? Matt Dillon: A blue belly who near got himself killed lookin' out for you. Matt Dillon: You know, Kitty, it's really been good seeing you again. Maybe when all this is over and I get back... [his sentence is incomplete as Kitty responds] Kitty Russell: I'll be here. [as Matt closes the door behind him] Kitty Russell: Aren't I always? Kitty Russell: No woman ever loved a man more than I loved Matt Dillon. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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