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The Mountain Men

The Mountain Men (1980) 6.2

1980-06-01(美国)| 冒险 西部| 美国
上映时间:1980-06-01(美国) 类型: 冒险 西部
评分: 力荐

A pair of grizzled frontiersmen fight indians, guzzle liquor, and steal squaws in their search for a legendary valley 'so full of beaver tha...更多>


Henry Frapp: I thought you got lost again. Nathan Wyeth: Haven't you ever been lost? Henry Frapp:


Hmmm... been fearsome confused for a month or two, but I ain't never been lost!


Bill Tyler: I heard you got in on the money end of this miserable business. Henry Frapp: Yep. Packed in supplies, watered down the whiskey, jacked up the prices... and went to tradin' for beaver. Bill Tyler: How'd ya do? Henry Frapp: I lost my ass!

The Mountain Men

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