复仇的女枪手 (1972)

  • 英国
  • |
  • 犯罪  西部
  • 片       名复仇的女枪手
  • 上映时间1971年12月25日(芬兰)
  • 导       演 伯特·肯尼迪


  • Thomas Luther Price: Win or lose, you lose, Hannie Caulder. Rufus Clements: I stole a Bible, Emmett. Do you want to read over Frank? Emmett Clements: You know damn right well I can't read! The hell with him anyway! Rufus Clements: You shouldn't have done that, Emmett. You're gonna get God mad at us and he's liable to... Emmett Clements: Shut your damn mouth! Rufus Clements: Well, I want to say something over Frank! Emmett Clements: Well, say it and get it the hell over with! Rufus Clements: All right... Frank... you're dead! Frank... damn if I don't miss you already! Sam Adams: You're a hard woman, Hannie Caulder. Hannie Caulder: Like the man said, there aren't any hard women, only soft men. Thomas Luther Price: Don't get too close to a man you are going to shoot. You get close enough, you can see his eyes, watch him sweat, hear him breathe and while you're taking all that in, he will kill you. See nothing and see everything. Thomas Luther Price: [teaching Hannie to deal with multiple adversaries] All right, there are two men in front of you. One is standing in front, looking you dead in the eyes. He has his coat pulled back and his thumbs hooked in his gunbelt. To the side is another man. You can't see his face, but you can see both his hands. He is turned away and apparently not paying any attention to you. Now, it is in your best interests to kill both of them and you need to kill the one that is the best shot. Now, which one do you shoot first? Thomas Luther Price: [Hannie draws and shoots the target to the side] All right, let's try that again. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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