琼楼飞燕 (1964)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 传记  喜剧  经典
  • 片       名琼楼飞燕
  • 上映时间1964年06月11日(美国)
  • 导       演 查尔斯·沃特斯


  • Molly Brown: It's not the money I love, it's the not having it I hate. Shamus Tobin: Molly sure know what she was doin' when she made this place red. The blood don't show. Shamus Tobin: At last, this place looks lived in! [Molly is reading the newspaper reports of the free-for-all that took place at her social party] Molly Brown: But it's lies, all lies! Everybody knows the Merry Christmas Saloon ain't no fancy house! And the things he quotes me saying! All those blanks that stand for bad words! [Thinks] Molly Brown: Well... guess I did let a couple go. [Reads from paper] Molly Brown: "'One thing's for blank sure,' said Mrs. Brown. 'This time we ain't puttin' up with no blank blank Rocky Mountain rudeness!'" Ohhh! And the worst of all! It isn't even on the Society page! It's on the *Sports* page! Molly Brown: [reading the ring] "Always remember two things I love you and the name of the bank." Molly Brown: I mean more to me than I mean to anybody else. Molly Brown: [in France] Here I'm pleasant, at home I'm vulgar, I guess it's like here you eat snails, at home you step on them. Molly Brown: I'm interested in everything because I don't know nothing. Molly Brown: [to Johnny Brown] Where I come from we drown runts of the litter like you. Molly Brown: [reading] The rat sees the cat, the cat sees the rat, I have a new hat, it is a red hat. What happened to the rat? 'Leadville' Johnny Brown: The cat ate it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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