
追男记 (1963) 5.2

Follow the Boys

1963-02-27(美国)| 喜剧 经典 爱情| 英国 美国
上映时间:1963-02-27(美国) 类型: 喜剧 经典 爱情
国家/地区:英国 美国 
评分: 力荐

Bonnie, Toni, Michele and Liz are on the Riviera to visit their respective husbands and boyfriends in the U.S. Navy. Bonnie tries to resume ...更多>


Liz Bradville: [on Bonnie's interrupted honeymoon] And all was lost save honor. Toni Denham: [to Lt. Langley, who like her is heir to a business fortune] I'm cans, you're beef. Together we're canned beef. Italian Barman: I am an alcoholic artist, I mean, an artist with alcohol! Lt. Peter Langley: [to Michele, after dinner in his hotel suite] Shall we adjourn to the scene of operations? Lt. Wadsworth 'Smitty' Smith: [he has brought her a rose] It's one of those artificial ones. Toni Denham: It's still very nice. Lt. Wadsworth 'Smitty' Smith: I didn't know it was artificial when I stole it from the hotel lobby.


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