偷龙转凤智多星 (1970)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧  犯罪
  • 片       名偷龙转凤智多星
  • 上映时间1970年11月10日(美国)
  • 导       演 彼得·哈尔


  • Lord Nicholas "Nick" Dorset: Are you Graham? Mr. Graham: Yes. Lord Nicholas "Nick" Dorset: What do you want? Mr. Graham: I'd like to escape, I imagine we both would. Lord Nicholas "Nick" Dorset: I'm perfectly fine. Mr. Graham: You have no money. Lord Nicholas "Nick" Dorset: Have y 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • ou? Mr. Graham: I intend getting some. Lord Nicholas "Nick" Dorset: What a dreadful tie. Mr. Graham: A present from an admirer [his wife] Mr. Graham: . Lady Britt Dorset: Ooh Mr Graham, I'm quite frightened to come and see you again. Mr. Graham: What's the trouble? Lady Britt Dorset: Money trouble. Lady Britt Dorset: I must be absolutely your most troublesome customer Mr Graham. Lady Britt Dorset: My father is very strict, he always tell me that my husband should provide for me. Mr. Graham: And he doesn't? Lady Britt Dorset: Nick is absoultey generous when he has money but that's not exactly very often. Mr. Graham: I see, do you mind [smoking] Mr. Graham: ... you must learn to live within your means. Lady Britt Dorset: I do but money's for spending. Mr. Graham: It is if you have it. Lady Britt Dorset: You aren't angry at me Mr Graham, for asking for the extra £100? Mr. Graham: You aren't angry with me for refusing it are you? Nanny: It's been cut off. Lady Britt Dorset: Telephone company's absolutely irresponsible. Mr. Graham: You spent the £500 on this [convertible car] Mr. Graham: . Lady Britt Dorset: Oh no, the deposit was only £200, I had to buy some new clothes - do you like my suit? Lady Britt Dorset: Oh Mr Graham, you are the kindest bank manager. Mr. Graham: Deputy bank manager. Lady Britt Dorset: Well whatever, not to be angry. Mr. Graham: You've planned this. [Starts to laugh] Mr. Graham: . Lady Britt Dorset: You've very kind when you laugh, as a reward you shall have a drive in my car. Mr. Graham: Your car? Lady Britt Dorset: Our car. Come along and you shall take me to dinner. Mr. Graham: I can't afford it. Lady Britt Dorset: A picnic. Lady Britt Dorset: Mr Graham, you're the first kind man I've met. Mr. Graham: Then wouldn't it be more flattering to call me by my Christian name? Lady Britt Dorset: I like Mr Graham, it sounds like you - kind and reliable. Lady Britt Dorset: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • You see all my boyfriends have been super-attractive but absolute bastards. I don't think a man can keep me if I'm very sure of him. Do you Mr Graham? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Mr. Graham: The children of broken marriages are often unsettled, maybe that's your problem. Lady Britt Dorset: My parents are devoted. Mr. Graham: This morning you told me they were divorced, or is that only when you need an overdraft? Lady Britt Dorset: You've got me Mr Graham. Mr. Graham: I live alone, I'm not married. Lady Britt Dorset: Are you queer or divorced? Lady Britt Dorset: What I need is an attentive lover, very rich who adores me, who will not be cross if I'm a little unfaithful sometimes. Lady Britt Dorset: Here's a present for you, I bought it for Nick but he doesn't deserve it. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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