The Shakiest Gun in the West (1968)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  西部
  • 片       名The Shakiest Gu...
  • 上映时间1968年07月10日
  • 导       演 Alan Rafki...
  • 剧       情
    Jesse W. Haywood graduates from dental school in Philadelphia in 1870 and goes west "to fight oral ignorance." Meanwhile stagecoach ...


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  • [On his dream of opening a dress shop] Pop: Just because I'm rough 'n' dirty 'n' don't wear underwear, doesn't mean I'm not creative. Jesse Heywood: [very drunk] I'm not a failure. I'm a dentist, a REAL dentist! And I'll tell you what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna spread dental health across the West like a plague! Jesse Heywood: I can't believe it. Tonight's our wedding night. In a few hours we'll stop, make camp, have a little supper, then... beddy-bye. Penelope 'Bad Penny' Cushings: You know something? You're a lot spunkier than I thought you were. Jesse Heywood: I get that from my mother. Jesse Heywood: I'm in teeth. And I came out here all the way from Philadelphia, single-handed, to fight oral ignorance. [drunk] Jesse Heywood: [to the barkeep] Brush your dentist twice a day, visit your toothbrush twice a year. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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