
  • Hero: People do not go around freeing slaves every day. Pseudolus: Be the first. Start a fashion. Lycus: If I've told you once, I've told you a hundred times; do not fan the girls when they're wet! But you'll never learn, you'll be a eunuch all your life. Domina's Mother: Gone to see a nose-grinder, indeed. He's cavorting with those courtesans. Domina: But Mother, what can I do? Domina's Mother: Return to Rome immediately, before he can do what no doubt he's already done. Go! [whips Dominia] Domina: A common flesh-peddler in the house next to ours, disgusting! Senex: Disgraceful, all that revolting flesh. Just next door... Domina: That breeder woman, has she been thrown a mate yet? Hysterium: Alas, she refuses just any slave. She demands to choose. Senex: Choose? She'll breed and like it, like everyone. Well, almost everyone. Hysterium: I live to grovel. Hysterium: Rather than let you down, I would die. Domina: That is what I had in mind. Pseudolus: An honest virgin! What a terrible combination! Senex: A word of advice: never fall in love during a total eclipse. Pseudolus: I shall return in a nonce. At most, two nonces. Hysterium: My father is rolling over in his grave. Pseudolus: Your father is alive. Hysterium: This will kill him. Erronius: My daughter, a eu 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • nuch? Hero: Hysterium, this is Philia. Hysterium: Never mind who she is! Who IS she? Lycus: Is it contagious? Pseudolus: Have you ever seen a plague that wasn't? Miles Gloriosus: Arrange food, drink, entertainment, and a sit-down orgy for forteen. Miles Gloriosus: Oh, her bridal bower becomes a burial bier of bitter bereavement! Pseudolus: Very good! Can you say "Titus the tailor told ten tall tales to Titania the titmouse"? Miles Gloriosus: What is she like? Pseudolus: A face so fair, a heart so pure - Sir, if you had been born a woman, you would have been she! Miles Gloriosus: As magnificent as that? Miles Gloriosus: You, slave, will be torn apart by horses, to the plaudits of the troops and the amusement of the children. Philia: That's the brute who raped my country, Thrace! Pseudolus: He raped Thrace? Philia: And then he came and did it again! And then again! Pseudolus: He raped Thrace thrice? Pseudolus: We'll need a body. Anybody's body. Hysterium: Can you get one from Gusto the Body Snatcher? Pseudolus: He owes me a favor! But he died yesterday. Hysterium: Uh - what about HIS body? Pseudolus: Somebody snatched it. Uh, let's see... who do we know that's dead? Domina: Forgive me for ever having mistrusted you, my darling. But you HAVE been a little distant these past 29 years. [Examining a wine bottle] Pseudolus: Was 1 a good year? Roman Sentry: It's against Roman law to take one's life. Penalty's death. Pseudolus: You must never know what goes on in that house. Hero: But I do know. Pseudolus: You do? Isn't it amazing. Pseudolus: Wait! Hero: Yes? Pseudolus: A brilliant idea! Hero: Yes! Pseudolus: That's what we need, a brilliant idea. Hero: For us there will never be happiness. Philia: We must learn to be happy without it. Pseudolus: What can happen in an hour or two? Hysterium: At his age, the mind boggles! < 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • a name="qt0164143"> Pseudolus: [disguised as a soothsayer and chanting loud gibberish] I say! You are in need of a soothsayer. Erronius: How did you know? Pseudolus: I'd be a fine soothsayer if I didn't. Miles Gloriosus: I cannot afford to offend the gods. Pseudolus: Who can? Senex: Son, if you're only as happy as your mother and I have been... my heart bleeds for you. Pseudolus: Calm yourself down! I'll tell you when it's time to panic! Miles Gloriosus: I smell mischief here! Pseudolus: [beat] It's time. Miles Gloriosus: [shouting] Stand aside everyone! [pause] Miles Gloriosus: I take large steps. Pseudolus: Don't you know? When they start to smile, the end is near. I hear it's lovely on Crete. Everyone lying there... smiling. Lycus: I'll kill him! I'll kill him! Crassus: Who? Lycus: The lyingest, cheatingest, sloppiest slave in all Rome! Crassus: Oh, Pseudolus. Pseudolus: Don't you think it's time we started trusting each other? Hysterium: One of us isn't ready yet. Lycus: She was sold just this morning. Hero: Sold! Then receive, oh bosom, thy fatal blade! [tries to stab himself and misses] Pseudolus: [takes the blade] Behave yourself! Lycus: [resuming] He'll pick her up within the hour. Hero: Then receive, oh bosom, thy fatal blade! [takes another knife out, tries to stab himself, and misses yet again] Pseudolus: Put your bosom away! Hysterium: How dare you call me a eunuch? Pseudolus: You know it isn't true and I know it isn't true. So what do we care what they think? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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