Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili Novye priklyucheniya (2002)

  • 前苏联
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名Kavkazskaya ple...
  • 上映时间1967年08月25日
  • 导       演 Leonid Gai...
  • 剧       情
    In this comic but dated story, nerdy Shurik travels to Caucas in search of native legends and folklore. But what he finds is a beautiful gir...


  • Bailiff: All rise! Court is in session! Coward: All hail our court, the most humane court in the world! Coward: To live, as they say, is well! Experienced: And to live well is even better! [Comrade Saakhov is negotiating with Nina's uncle to buy her as his bride. Her uncle demands 25 rams. Saakhov pretests that the region has not yet met the Soviet quota for fleeces] Nina's uncle: Aren't you confusing your own fleece with the State's? comrade Saakhov: I, among other things, Comrade Jabrial, was appointed here to watch over State interests. You'd better sit down. Nina's uncle: And I want a free tour ticket. comrade Saakhov: To Siberia! comrade Saakhov: I admit my mistakes. Nina: The mistakes should not be admitted. They should be washed off... with blood! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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