Saintly Sinners (1962)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧
Saintly Sinners
  • 片       名Saintly Sinners
  • 导       演 Jean Yarbr...
  • 又       名Saintly Sinners
  • 编       剧 Kevin Barr...


  • advertisement Father Dan: We don't harass the Lord enough. We should be more demanding, like a small boy asking his father for a bicycle. Ask for your inheritance. Ask for a miracle, a couple of miracles. Demand your share. Holler! Our rich father isn't very far away. After all, all you're asking for is a fair shake. It shouldn't take much of a miracle for that. Mrs. Madigan: Praying, was ye! What are ye, hollering hyenas? I thought you was Catholics! Ye'd better get down on yer knees and say yer prayers like decent Christians. Or else! Slim: There oughta be a law against lettin' ambulances have sireens! Duke: Why doncha write yer congressman? Mike: I sure hate to do it. That dame's sure nuts about that guy. Hank: What's the matter with you, you some kinda love nut? Idaho: Aw, to heck with the Monsignor. We're leavin' this money for Dysmas. We're callin' it his cut. Slim: You like to read so much, why doncha go over and knock off the public li-berry! Slim: I may be a louse, but I ain't gonna rob a church! Mrs. McKenzie: If they're parishioners, the car's as good as gone. Father Dan: The bigger the deal, the better it is for the side that's in no hurry. Slim: You know, I've never been up so early in my life. The city looks queer, like it ain't finished. Duke: When a hamburger starts to look better than eight thousand dollars cash, I gotta be starvin'. Duke: Be careful, I don't want you to bruise any o' them bills. Slim: We been hijacked! Slim: Ya know, I'm beginnin' to think that somebody up there HATES us! Uncle Clete: Does he look like a reverend to you? Phineas: He looks like he could USE a reverend. Uncle Clete: If you keep on bein' tricky like this, we're gonna lock you up fer a week, incommuni... endo! Harrihan: Nothing about Father Dan makes the least sense to me, nor to the rest of the police department, I might add. Bartender: Another one, on the house? Duke: Naw, no thanks, we'll ride these. Idaho: If it's OK with all o' YOU, it's OK with all o' ME. Idaho: If you give Father Dan his old job back, we'll walk the old chalk, pious as a corpse. We show results. Mrs. McKenzie: That St. Dysmas is a powerful saint. Father Dan: And as the boys say, he sure can boot in the winners. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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