从军乐 (1958)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧
  • 片       名从军乐
  • 上映时间1958年05月29日
  • 导       演 茂文·勒鲁瓦
  • 剧       情
    一个胖子和一个瘦子,他们约定去外闯荡。胖子说死后想变成马,瘦子说还想做自己。 他们二人爱上一个姑娘,可是姑娘不理会他们。于是胖子决定要跳海自杀,跳海前遇到一个军官,军官劝说他们参军。 在军营里,他们演出了一场场闹剧,最后竟然发现军官是那位姑娘的未婚夫。 因为闯祸,胖子和瘦子被抓进...


  • advertisement Sergeant King: Why ain't you dead? Will Stockdale: No excuse, sir! Maj. Demming: I think that I would rather live in the rottenest pigsty in Tennessee or Alabama than the fanciest mansion in all of Georgia. How about that? Will Stockdale: Well, sir... I think where you wanna live is your business. Benjamin B. Whitledge: Our post was the tail of the plane and nobody told us to quit it! Will Stockdale: But the tail was on fire, Ben! Our post was a-quittin' us! [reading from inductee questionnaire] Benjamin B. Whitledge: You ever had R.O.T.C.? Will Stockdale: No... , but Irvin did! Close to a year of it. He's so 'ornary I think he still might have a touch of it. Benjamin B. Whitledge: No, Will. R.O.T.C. ain't a disease, it's trainin'... Reserve, Officer's, Training... ,uh... Corporation! Will Stockdale: [looking out barracks window as taps is played in the distance] Somebody brung their trumpet. Lt. George Bridges: Prepare for landing! Navigator: This is NOT a Seaplane! Benjamin B. Whitledge: Every man in my whole family's been in the infantry, clear back to my great-grampa. You know what he done? [Will shakes his head "no"] Benjamin B. Whitledge: Fought with Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville, that's what. Will Stockdale: [laughs] Licked him good, too, I bet! Will Stockdale: Hey, Ben. Maybe you'll get to like the Air Force. Zoomin' all over the sky - and shouting, "Roger" and "Wilco" and everything. Maybe it won't be so bad. Benjamin B. Whitledge: Bad? You know what they call men in the Air Force? [Will shakes his head "no"] Benjamin B. Whitledge: Air man! Like somethin' out of a dang funny book! Air man! How you gonna like it when somebody calls you "Air man"? Will Stockdale: By dog, I just don't think I'll stand for it. [after Will has spent all night cleaning the latrine, Sgt. King is amazed at how beautiful it is] Sergeant King: Wait 'til the Captain sees this. Why he inspects this place like it was an operating room where somebody was gonna cut out his heart. Never in your life have you seen such a guy for stickin' his head right down into things. [looks at the commodes] Will Stockdale: You figure he'll like what I done? Sergeant King: He'll be a new man. Will, uh, how would you like to be Permanent Latrine Orderly? Will Stockdale: Permanent Latrine Orderly? Sergeant King: P.L.O. Will Stockdale: Go-o-o-lee! Maj. Demming: Do you get along alright with your mother? Will Stockdale: No, sir, I can't hardly say that I do... Maj. Demming: Oh, I see. She's very strict with you; she's always hovering over you, hmm? Will Stockdale: No, sir, just the opposite. Maj. Demming: Oh, she's never there? Will Stockdale: That's right. Maj. Demming: And you, uh, you resent this neglect, don't you? Will Stockdale: Well, no, sir. I don't resent nothin'. Maj. Demming: Ah, come now, son. Now don't be bashful - that's a common situation. Does, uh, she beat you? Will Stockdale: Naw! Maj. Demming: [he chuckles] Oh, so defensive. Well, it's not easy to talk about your mother, is it? Will Stockdale: No, sir, see she died when I was born. Maj. Demming: Now then - your father. Living? Will Stockdale: Yes, sir. Maj. Demming: Do you get along with him okay? Will Stockdale: Yes, sir. Maj. Demming: Does he ever beat you? Will Stockdale: [laughs] You bet! Maj. Demming: Hard? Maj. Demming: And how! Boy, there ain't nobody can beat like my pa can. Maj. Demming: So this is where the antagonism comes from. [chuckles] Maj. Demming: You, uh, you hate your father don't you? Will Stockdale: No. Hey, I got a uncle I hate though. Ever time he comes out to the house, he's always wantin' to rassle with the mule. And the mule gets all wore out... and he gets all wore out. Well, I, I don't really hate him, though; it's just that I ain't exactly partial to him. Maj. Demming: Did I ask you about your uncle? Will Stockdale: I thought you wanted to talk about hatin' people. [Will and Ben have made it back to the base and see the troops massed on the field] Will Stockdale: How 'bout that. It's some kind of real big ceremony. Benjamin B. Whitledge: Look... the flag - it's at half-mast. It's a funeral ceremony, that's what it is! Lt. Bridges and them others they didn't get out of the plane. Now we got that on our heads, too. Will Stockdale: Aw, now, Ben, they warn't so easy-going they wouldn't know they was on fire! [Will and Ben are waiting in the General's office and hear the ceremony over the P.A] Voice of announcer: General Bush has just taken his place on the reviewing stand. And now the four lieutenants who braved the atomic blast and will receive the air medal are bravely mounting the platform. Benjamin B. Whitledge: The lieutenants? They're alive! They're gettin' medals! They're heroes! Will Stockdale: Gollee! Benjamin B. Whitledge: If we'd a stayed on the plane, we'd a been heroes. Voice of announcer: It is a solemn moment, ladies and gentlemen. The many visiting dignitaries standing at attention; the flag at half-mast in honor of the two men who gave their lives in Operation Prometheus: Privates Stockdale and Whitledge. Will Stockdale, Benjamin B. Whitledge: [together] Stockdale and Whitledge? Voice of announcer: Yes. Stockdale and Whitledge... names that will live as long as men are free. Will Stockdale: We are heroes, Ben! Benjamin B. Whitledge: But we ain't dead! Will Stockdale: Well, that makes it even better don't it? Benjamin B. Whitledge: They think we're heroes and we're a couple of rotten, no-good deserters. Will Stockdale: [laughs] Gollee, will they be surprised! Benjamin B. Whitledge: They'll kill us - that's what they'll do - they'll kill us! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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