Duck Amuck (1953)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  动画  喜剧
  • 片       名Duck Amuck
  • 上映时间1953年02月28日
  • 导       演 查克·琼斯
  • 又       名Duck Amuck
  • 编       剧 Michael Ma...
  • 剧       情
    Daffy is harassed by an unseen, trickster animator, who keeps changing backgrounds on him, messes with the soundtrack, switches props and hu...




  • Daffy Duck: [on an island in the distance] Hey, come here! Give me a close-up. A close-up! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [film frame contracts around Daffy] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daffy Duck: This is a close-up? Daffy Duck: [screaming] A close-up, you jerk! A close-up! [camera zooms up to an extreme close-up of Daffy's blood shot eyes] Daffy Duck: Thanks for the sour persimmons, cousin. [the unseen tormentor is revealed as Bugs Bunny] Bugs Bunny: Ain't I a stinker? Daffy Duck: [artist has re-drawn him as a weird flower-like creature] Hmm, that's funny. Somehow I don't quite feel like myself. I mean I feel all right, but I... I... [sees himself in a mirror] Daffy Duck: EEEEEK! YOU KNOW BETTER THAN THAT! Daffy Duck: What a way to run a railroad. Daffy Duck: [looking at corny background] Ho-Ho that's rich, ha ha. Now how 'bout some color, stupid. [Artist draws Daffy in wild, polka-dot colors] Daffy Duck: No. Not me you slop artist. Daffy Duck: Would it be too much to ask if we could make up our minds, hmmmm? Daffy Duck: [after the island paradise disappears] Buster, it should come as no surprise to you that this is an animated cartoon, and in animated cartoons they have scenery, and in all the years I've... [as he's venting, he is slowly being erased from feet up and is silenced when his face is erased] Daffy Duck: All right wise guy, where am I? Daffy Duck: [after his parachute is turned into an anvil and he crashes to the ground, he is beating on the anvil with a hammer and babbling incoherently. While he is doing this, the anvil is erased and is replaced with a torpedo pointing straight up. After a few more hits, the torpedo explodes. Daffy finally shakes himself off] All right. Enough is enough. This is a final, the - the very, very last straw! Who's responsible for this? This... I demand that you show yourself! Who are you? Huh? [as he's venting, a doorway with an open door is drawn around him, then the door is pushed closed by the eraser] [projector sticks between frames] Daffy Duck: Now what? Daffy Duck: What are you doing down there? Daffy Duck: Down here? What are you doing up there? [pointing upward, sarcastically] Daffy Duck: *Down* here. [first lines] Daffy Duck: Stand back, musketeers, they shall sample my blade! Touché! [suddenly realizes that there is absolutely nothing behind him] Daffy Duck: Musketeers? Unguarded, eh? My blade? Hey, psst. Whoever's in charge here, the scenery, where's the scenery? Daffy Duck: ...And I've never been so humiliated in all my life! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Daffy Duck 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : [in a rage] I've never be so humiliated in all my life. Daffy Duck: All right, let's get this picture started. [Iris out to THE END title card] Daffy Duck: [screaming] NO! NO! Daffy Duck: [to second Daffy] Listen, If you wasn't me, I'd smack you right in the puss. Daffy Duck: Don't let that bother you, Jack. Daffy Duck: Okay, bub, You asked for it. Daffy Duck: I'll tell you what. You go your way, and I'll go mine. Live and let live. Right? Right. Ladies and gentlemen. There will be no further interruptions, so I will attempt to entertain you in my own inimitable fashion. Daffy Duck: [sings] Daffy Duck he had a farm, yi aye yi aye yo. [scenery changes] Daffy Duck: And on this farm he had an *igloo*, yi aye... yi... aye... er? Daffy Duck: [Is redrawn as a sailor] Sea picture, eh? I always wanted to do a sea epic. Now, Mr. Rembrandt, if you would kindly oblige with a little appropiate scenery. [the animator paints a seascape, but no boat for Daffy to stand on] Daffy Duck: [singing] Over the sea, let's go, men. We're shovin' right off, we're shovin' right off... again? [Falls into the sea] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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