美艳亲王 (1947)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 喜剧  爱情  灾难
  • 片       名美艳亲王
  • 上映时间1947年03月19日(美国)
  • 导       演 Elliott Nu...
  • 又       名美艳亲王 红发姑娘 My Favorite Brunet...
  • 编       剧 Edmund Bel...Jack Rose


  • Ronnie Jackson: Uh oh, her schizo's about to phrenia! Ronnie Jackson: You see, I wanted to be a detective too. It only took brains, courage, and a gun... and I had the gun. Carlotta Montay: I'm at my wit's end! Ronnie Jackson: I passed there an hour ago. Ronnie Jackson: How about it, Sam? Can I go to work for you? Just give me a simple "yes" or "no". Sam McCloud: No. Ronnie Jackson: Aw, but that's TOO simple! Dr. Lundau: For the past six months, Miss Montay has been suffering from an acute case of schizophrenia, accompanied by visual aberrations and increasingly severe paranoiac delusions. Ronnie Jackson: Mm-HMM! And how is she mentally? Carlotta Montay: You said you'd stick with me till your dying breath. Ronnie Jackson: Yeah, and I'm getting too close to it. Ronnie Jackson: I figure the only way to get the inside dope is from the outside... dope! Ronnie Jackson: Beautiful day, isn't it? Well, maybe it isn't so beautiful... it is day, though. Ronnie Jackson: Easy cuddles! One move and you're a dead midget! Ronnie Jackson: Nutty as a fruitcake, and with all that beautiful frosting. Ronnie Jackson: You can open the mailman later. State Trooper: If you bother us again, I'll personally punch you in the nose so hard it will look like other peoples' noses. Carlotta Montay: He said he was safe. Ronnie Jackson: Oh, he's safe alright... I mean, he's safe alright. Carlotta Montay: But he's not safe! I know he isn't! Ronnie Jackson: No no, he's in a terrible spot. Carlotta Montay: But I feel he's in great danger. Ronnie Jackson: Yes yes, he's in great danger... yeah, but he's safe alright... he's safe. I sound like an umpire. Ronnie Jackson: Everything you touch turns to rigormortis. Sam McCloud: I told you before, stick to watching the birdie and youll die of old age. Ronnie Jackson: Yeh but I was cut out for this kind of life. All my life I wanted to be a hardboiled detective like Humphrey Bogart or Dick Powell or even Alan Ladd. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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