If a Body Meets a Body (1945)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  短片
If a Body Meets a Body
  • 片       名If a Body Meets...
  • 上映时间1945年08月30日(美国)
  • 导       演 Jules Whit...




  • advertisement Moe Pink: Blow out that candle. Curly Q. Link: Oh, no! Then it'll be dark! I'm scared! Moe Pink: Blow out that candle or I'll blow out your brain. Or a facsimile thereof. Curly Q. Link: Or a facsimile thereof... all right. Curly Q. Link: Pardon me, I... Detective: Who're you? Curly Q. Link: [indignantly] I'm Curly Q. Link! Detective: Oh, you're the missing Link! Curly Q. Link: No, I'm da found Link! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Curly Q. Link: [reading his uncle's will] "To my niece, Elisa Link, I leave one million, two hundred fifty thousand dollars. To my nephew, Curly Q. Link... That's me! That's me! Larry Mink: Yes! Yes! Moe Pink: How much. How much? Curly Q. Link: "To my nephew, Curly Q. Link, I leave a sum total of sixty seven cents, net." Moe Pink: [in despair] Sixty seven cents! Curly Q. Link: Sixty seven cents! Larry Mink: Sixty seven cents! [they hit each other, pull out their own hair and say it over and over again until fade out] Larry Mink: Here's one. "Wanted: Gravediggers." Moe Pink: No, no, too morbid. Curly Q. Link: Da morbid, da merrier! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! Curly Q. Link: You know my name is Curly Q. Link! Larry Mink: What's the "Q" stand for? Quincy? Curly Q. Link: No. Moe Pink: Quillip? Curly Q. Link: No. Moe Pink: What does the "Q" stand for? Curly Q. Link: Cuff. Larry Mink: Oh, Cuff Link! Jerkington: [creepily] Goodnight, gentlemen. I hope you have a nice LONG sleep. Moe Pink: Thanks, Dracula. Larry Mink: [about Curly's soup] Smells like a dead horse! Moe Pink: Didn't you say you were born in Oxford? Curly Q. Link: I can't remember. I was born awfully young. Moe Pink: Don't tell me you've never heard of Link, Mink, and Pink! Detective: Never heard of them! What do they do? Moe Pink: We're in the sausage business. Link sausage, Mink sausage, and Pink sausage! Moe Pink: [finds a horseshoe in his soup] Why you numbskull, we sent you to the butcher shop for meat, not the glue factory. [hits Curly with the horseshoe] Larry Mink: He's trying to poison us, that's what. Moe Pink: You get out of this house before I split your throat from ear to ear you Lucrezia Borgia. Curly Q. Link: If that means what I think it does... Moe Pink: So what? Curly Q. Link: So I'll go. Moe Pink: Hark, who goes there? Curly Q. Link: Friend or enemy? Larry Mink: Give us the countersign. Moe Pink, Curly Q. Link, Larry Mink: [Detective slaps all three of them] Pass, friend. Curly Q. Link: It's dark in here! Moe Pink: I can see the darkness! [finds Curly standing on his and Larry's shoulders] Moe Pink: Oh it's you! Boy will you come on? Curly Q. Link: [gets down] I don't like darkness! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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