Case of the Missing Hare (1942)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  动画  短片
  • 片       名Case of the Mis...
  • 上映时间1942年12月12日
  • 导       演 查克·琼斯
  • 又       名Case of the Missing Hare
  • 编       剧 Tedd Pierc...




  • advertisement Bugs Bunny: I live here. That's my home, such as it is. Bugs Bunny: Of course you realize this means war! Ala Bahma: And now from the empty hat I will prestigajagoo... proostiga... prastigatijay... pull a live rabbit. Yes. Rootah, Vootah, Zoot! And observe, a rabbit! Yes. [Pulls a carrot instead; audience laughs] [last lines] Bugs Bunny: If I dood it, I get a whippin'. I dood it! [Bugs hits Bahma in face with pie] Bugs Bunny: [singing] Aloha Oe, farewell to thee... [first lines] Bugs Bunny: Eh, pardon me, doc. Fresh out of carrots. Ala Bahma: Uh, do you like blacksberries pie? Bugs Bunny: Let's see now. Uh, you was trying to prestigogiga... prestadagigoo... pro presta... pull a rabbit out of the hat. Regardez! [Bugs dives into the hat] Bugs Bunny: Rootah, Vootah, Zoot! [He pulls himself from the hat by the ears and takes several bows] Bugs Bunny: Look, Doc. Do I go around nailing signs over your house? Do I? There's still such a thing as private property, you know. Did you ever hear about the inalienable right of the sanctity of the home? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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