Fresh Hare (1942)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  动画  短片
Fresh Hare
  • 片       名Fresh Hare
  • 上映时间1942年08月22日(美国)
  • 导       演 Friz Frele...
  • 又       名Fresh Hare
  • 编       剧 Michael Ma...




  • advertisement Bugs Bunny: [to Mountie snowman] So, you call yourself a Mountie! Ha! You couldn't catch me! Why, you couldn't even catch a cold! [Elmer sneaks up behind Bugs] Bugs Bunny: You know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna punch you right square in the nose! [Whips round and clocks Elmer] Elmer Fudd: [trapped in handcuff bomb] OHHHH! My keys! Where are my keys? My keys! Hurry up! Gimme the keys! Oh! Bugs Bunny: [they're in his hand] Eh, what's up, Doc? Elmer Fudd: Quick, get me outta this predicament, undo these cuffs! Bugs Bunny: All right, Doc, keep yer shoit on, take it easy! Gee, he's an excitable type. Bugs Bunny: Let's see now, the garage, the car, for the front door... [wolf whistles] Bugs Bunny: ... and the back door... Ah, here it is! [bomb explodes] Bugs Bunny: Oh, well. Bugs Bunny: [luring Elmer into a tree] Last one in's a rotten egg! Elmer Fudd: At wast the wong arm of the waw is weaching out and cwosing in on you, you scwewy wabbit. [while chasing Bugs in the snow, Elmer crashes into a tree; the snow falls off the tree, revealing ornaments on it; Elmer emerges from the snow, wearing a Santa Claus beard and hat made out of snow] Bugs Bunny: Merry Christmas, Santie. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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