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Hold the Lion, Please

Hold the Lion, Please (1942) 7.2

1942-06-13(美国)| 家庭 动画 短片| 美国
上映时间:1942-06-13(美国) 类型: 家庭 动画 短片 喜剧
评分: 力荐


advertisement Bugs Bunny: How do you like that? The guy wants to be the king of the jungle, and he ain't even master in his own home. Ain't that rich? Now me, I wear the pants in my family. Mrs. Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, doc, dear? [Bugs slinks back into his hole] Mrs. Bugs Bunny: Eh, who wears the pants in this family? [Lifts skirt to reveal a pair of pants]

Hold the Lion, Please

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