The Vanishing Private (1942)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 动画  家庭  喜剧
  • 片       名The Vanishing P...
  • 上映时间1942年09月25日
  • 导       演 Jack King




  • advertisement Sgt. Pete: Good morning, General. Did you see a little guy that you can't see? [last lines] Sgt. Pete: [Pete is in a cell, trapped in a straitjacket] I ain't crazy. You know I ain't crazy! Go tell the general that I ain't crazy. Donald Duck: Do you think *I'm* crazy? Sgt. Pete: What are you doing here? Donald Duck: I'm a camouflage painter. Sgt. Pete: Camouflage? [Sees the rainbow colors Donald painted on the cannon] Sgt. Pete: Why you fool! You got to paint it so you can't see it! Donald Duck: Oh. I didn't know. Donald Duck: [Reading sign] "Experimental Laboratory, Camouflage Corps. Keep out" [Goes in] Donald Duck: It didn't say "positively." [Pete notices the cannon supposedly missing, when Donald simply painted it invisible] Sgt. Pete: [shocked] The cannon! It's gone! A fifth columnist! He stole our cannon! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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