Oh, Mr. Porter! (1937)

  • 英国
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  • 喜剧
Oh, Mr. Porter!
  • 片       名Oh, Mr. Porter!
  • 上映时间1957年12月19日(西德)
  • 导       演 Marcel Var...


  • Superintendent: It's a country station, rather off the beaten track. William Porter: Oh, I don't mind, as long as it's near the railway. [William Porter is wheel-tapping a train] Managing director's wi 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • fe: You may think me a little stupid but why do they tap them? William Porter: Well, you see madam, it's like this. If I tap the wheel with this hammer and the wheel goes clang, then I know that the wheel's there. Managing director: But supposing that the wheel doesn't go clang? William Porter: Well, then I know that the train's gone! Postman: You're wasting your time. Porter: Well, what are you doing? Postman: Just watching you wasting your time. Jeremiah Harbottle: Next train's gone! Jeremiah Harbottle: [pocket watch to ear, it having been flattened by a train, exclaims in surprise] It's stopped! First irate farmer: [confronting the station master about a cancelled train] I've got a return to Dublin. Second irate farmer: And I've got a single to Belfast. Third irate farmer: And what am I going to do with my Cork. Porter: [Opens his mouth to reply but thinks better of it and says nothing] William Porter: Well, I can't give you the exact number at the moment. William Porter: [pauses to think] But in rough figures I would say quite a lot. William Porter: [sniffs] Is something burning somewhere? Jeremiah Harbottle: That would be Albert, cooking the breakfast. William Porter: Smells more like somebody cooking Albert. William Porter: Albert. Who's Albert? Jeremiah Harbottle: He comes in for me when I'm not here. William Porter: Well, which is his clock? Jeremiah Harbottle: [Jerry puts William's clock on the mantelpiece] He hasn't got a clock. He's still alive. William Porter: [snatching clock] Hey, give me that back! Jeremiah Harbottle: What? Aren't you go to put it with the others? William Porter: What, amongst them? They're a lot of tombstones! Jeremiah Harbottle: Got yer clock? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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