逍遥鬼侣 (1937)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  奇幻  爱情
  • 片       名逍遥鬼侣
  • 上映时间1937年07月16日(美国)
  • 导       演 诺曼·Z·麦克李欧


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  • George Kerby 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • : My pet, resting's the sort of thing you've got to work up to gradually... very dangerous to rest all of a sudden. Marion Kerby: Hey, George, is this 10:30 in the morning? George Kerby: No, this is Topper's bank. Cosmo Topper: Good morning, Clara. Mrs. Topper: Good morning, dear. You're late. Cosmo Topper: Oh... better late than never. Only 44 seconds, anyhow. [Topper reading annual report of his bank] Cosmo Topper: Bullion abroad and in transit, thirteen million, two hundred and two thousand, eight hundred and fifty-four dollars and no cents. George Kerby: No sense. Cosmo Topper: I just said that, Mr. Kerby. George Kerby: So did I. Marion Kerby: Why don't you stop being a mummy for a few minutes and come to life? Of course, there's nothing wrong with being a mummy if you had any fun getting that way. Cosmo Topper: But I... I didn't, you see. Marion Kerby: No, I can tell that by the way you're staring at my knees. Cosmo Topper: So I'm a ditherer? Well, I'm jolly well going to dither, then! Secretary: Well, bless my blonde heart! Hotel Manager: Perhaps you can explain the red on this cigarette. Cosmo Topper: Yes, I... cut my tongue when I was shaving this morning. Marion Kerby: Let's go have some dinner. Cosmo Topper: Oh no, we cannot eat on an empty stomach! Marion Kerby: Then we better have a few drinks first! Kerby, George: Say, if I'm in the way, you folks could leave. Cosmo Topper: My wife objects to drinking. George Kerby: Then she shouldn't drink. Cosmo Topper: She doesn't. George Kerby: What's her objection? Marion Kerby: Oh, George, I can see right through you. George Kerby: Say, that's funny. I can see through you, too. Marion Kerby: [seeing her body lying next to George's beside the car, which has just crashed] George, look. You know something George? I think we're dead. George Kerby: I think you're right. Funny; I don't *feel* any different. Marion Kerby: [she and George Kerby are invisible to Topper] Toppy doesn't know us, Toppy doesn't know us! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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