Love in Bloom (1935)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  爱情
Love in Bloom
  • 片       名Love in Bloom
  • 上映时间1935年04月20日(美国)
  • 导       演 Elliott Nu...


  • advertisement Motorcycle cop: You certainly led me a merry chase! Gracie Downey: Oh, thank you officer, and a merry chase to you too! George: ah, officer... Motorcycle cop: Going 60 miles an hour. Gracie Downey: Oh, were you? So were we! George: listen, officer... Motorcycle cop: What's your name? Gracie Downey: Gracie Downey. What's yours? Motorcycle cop: Patrick Mc... wait a minute! Gracie Downey: Oh, Patrick McWaitaminute. What a pretty name. How is Mrs. McWaitaminute? and all the little McWaitaseconds? Motorcycle cop: Say, are you trying to kid me? Gracie Downey: Oh, George, the officer wants you to kid him. You're a good kidder. Say something to him. George: Listen officer, can't we talk this over? You know, I've got an uncle who's a motorcycle cop. Gracie Downey: Yeah, and he's handsome too, just like you. Motorcycle cop: Oh. Flattery, eh? Gracie Downey: No, O'Flanagan. Gracie Downey: Turnabout is foul play! George: Yeah, and if they don't hang me on Monday, its because they hung me on Sunday! George: Gracie, you talk like an imbecile! Gracie Downey: George, you flatter me. Beggar: Buy a pencil? Violet Downey: I got nothin' to write home about. George: Listen, officer, can we talk this over? You know, I've got an uncle who's a traffic cop. Gracie Downey: Yeah, he's handsome too, just like you. Motorcycle cop: oh, flattery, eh? Gracie Downey: No, O'Flanagan. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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