Our Wife (1931)

  • 美国
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  • 短片  喜剧
Our Wife
  • 片       名Our Wife
  • 上映时间1931年05月16日(美国)
  • 导       演 James W. H...
  • 又       名Our Wife
  • 编       剧 H.M. Walke...




  • Ollie: Goodbye, Ducky Lover. Dulcy: Goodbye, Dimple Dumpling. Mrs. Gladding: What do you want? Stan: What do we want? Ollie: We wanna get married. Stan: Oh yeah, we wanna get married. Ollie: Not we, us! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stan: Not we. Us. Mrs. Gladding: Well, how about it? Stan: How about it? Ollie: How about what? Stan: How about what? Mrs. Gladding: What are you talking about? Stan: What are you talking about? Ollie: Tell her we want to get married! Stan: We want to get married. Mrs. Gladding: Hey! There's a couple out here that wants to get married, Pa! William Gladding, Justice of the Peace: Okay, I'll be right up! Mrs. Gladding: He'll be right up. Stan: Who? Mrs. Gladding: The... Who! Ollie: Well how about it? Stan: How about what? Ollie: What did she say? Stan: Who? 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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