Harry Knuckles and the Treasure of the A (1999)

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  • 短片  动作  喜剧
  • 片       名Harry Knuckles ...
  • 导       演 Lee Demarb...
  • 又       名Harry Knuckles and the Treasure of the Aztec Mummy
  • 编       剧 Ian Drisco...


  • [Harry sneaks up behind Santo at the shore of the lake] Harry Knuckles: You didn't hear me approach Santo, what's up with that man ? Santo: 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Many years of wrestling with the forces of evil has taught us both the stealth of "el gato." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [Harry and Santo are travelling on a boat] Santo: Tell me, have you heard the one about the chicken and the egg ? It seems that a chicken and egg were lying in bed together. The chicken was seen to be relaxed, a wing behind his head, and stroking his chest lazily and smoking a cigarette. By contrast, the egg had turned his back to the chicken. He was staring at the wall, his arms crossed, and with a disgruntled attitude. The chicken leaned over to the egg and said, "well, I guess that settles that question." 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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