夏日时光 (1953)

  • 美国
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  • 喜剧  奇幻  经典
  • 片       名夏日时光
  • 导       演 哈尔·沃克
  • 剧       情
        乔治和哈罗德是两个时运不济的滑稽戏演员,一次演出失败后被老板炒了鱿鱼,从此开始了流浪生涯。     他们逃票上了火车,乔治堂而皇之坐在车厢里,而哈罗德则躲在车厢底部的轮架上,乔治用手杖把餐车的...


  • Harold Gridley: He's gonna sing, folks. Now's the time to go out and get the popcorn. Share this quote Princess Lala: Do you always fight over girls? Harold Gridley: Well, what else can we fight over? We've never had any money [Looking straight into the camera] Harold Gridley: That's for Washington! Share this quote [a female ape has sat on Harold's lap] George Cochran: Oh, buster, I don't like the look in her eye! [the ape swings a paw at George] Harold Gridley: George, get a rock, a club, anything! Kill one of us! Share this quote [Harold has been caught in a tree snare, proving the island is inhabited] George Cochran: I wonder what the locals are like? Princess Lala: I hope they're not cannibals or headhunters! Harold Gridley: I hope they're orange pickers, I want to get out of this tree! George Cochran: Oh, stop squawking, you'll fall off when you're ripe! Share this quote [George and Princess Lala pull Harold down] Harold Gridley: This is the sloppiest hanging I ever attended! Share this quote [George and Harold are surrounded by beautiful native women. Offstage voice shrieks "A-ough! Oh no!"] George Cochran: What's that? Harold Gridley: Oh, that's Errol Flynn. He can't stand it. Share this quote Harold Gridley: [Caught in an animal trap and suspended in the air] Get me down! My brain's rushing to my head. Share this quote [One of the film's many cameos] Princess Lala: Look! George Cochran: The African Queen! Humphrey Bogart? Harold Gridley: Boy, is he lost! George Cochran: Hey! Hey, Bogie! [All three run toward Bogart] Harold Gridley: Hey, jungle fever! That's what we got. That was just a mirage! George Cochran: Oh yeah? What about this? [Holding up a trophy] George Cochran: Humphrey Bogart's Academy Award! Harold Gridley: An Oscar! Gimme that, you got one. Friends, this is a great occasion, me receiving this Academy Award. And I'd like to say a word... [roar from offstage] George Cochran: Run! Harold Gridley: That's the word! Share this quote Princess Lala: [showing a portrait of a woman in regal dress] She was my mother, Queen Tama of Vaatu. George Cochran: Hm, beautiful. Princess Lala: [indicating the portrait next to it of a man in a kilt] And he was my father. George Cochran: Didn't anybody in the family wear the pants? Share this quote Harold Gridley: [whistles, indicating Lala's headdress with a golden spire] This kid's got her own antenna. Share this quote Ken Arok: You will *love* Vaatu. It is an island paradise. Harold Gridley: Girls, huh? Ken Arok: Could it be paradise without girls? Share this quote [performing for Princess Lala's court as Scottish bagpipers, a humorous homage to her late Scottish father, MacTavish] Harold Gridley: Say, Haggis! George Cochran: What is it, MacBaggis? Harold Gridley: Have you heard the latest about MacTavish? George Cochran: What's he done now? Harold Gridley: I heard he's living on the roof! George Cochran: Why would he be living on the roof? Harold Gridley: Because he heard someone say, "Drinks are on the house!" Share this quote 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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