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Lille Lise

Lille Lise (2005)

2005-06-03(丹麦)| 短片 恐怖| 丹麦
上映时间:2005-06-03(丹麦) 类型: 短片 恐怖
评分: 力荐

The message of this film "LILLE LISE/LITTLE LISE" is about taking care of your children. Give them lots of love, respect and respons...更多>


The Father: Mommy has found a new family whom she loves more than us, Lise. The Mother: Mommy loves you and I will always be here for you. The Father: Daddy loves you and I will always be here for you. Lille Lise: Why is mommy lying in the trunk?

Lille Lise

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