Frosty the Snowman (1969)

  • 美国
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  • 动画  短片  家庭
Frosty the Snowman
  • 片       名Frosty the Snow...
  • 上映时间1969年12月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 Jules BassArthur Ran...
  • 又       名Frosty the Snowman
  • 编       剧 Romeo Mull...




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  • Now Frosty, bein' made out of snow, was the fastest belly-whopper in the world. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [repeated line] Frosty: Happy birthday! Frosty: Happy birthday! Hey, I said my first words. But... But snowmen can't talk. Ha ha ha, come on now, what's the joke? Could I really be alive? Professor Hinkle: We evil magicians have to make a living too. Santa Claus: Now you go home and write "I am very sorry for what I did to Frosty" a hundred zillion times. And then maybe - just maybe, mind you - you'll find something in your stocking tomorrow morning. Professor Hinkle: Voila, the eggs have turned into... messy, messy, messy! Professor Hinkle: I must get that hat back! Think nasty, think nasty, think nasty! Professor Hinkle: I've got to get busy writing - busy, busy, busy! Karen: You've got to excuse him, sir, see he just came to life and he doesn't know much about such things. Traffic Cop: Well, okay, if he just came to life. [to himself] Traffic Cop: Silly snowmen, once they come to life they don't know nothing. Come to life? Frosty: Whew! Stay in here much longer and I'll really make a splash in the world. Santa Claus: Don't cry, Karen, Frosty's not gone for good. You see, he was made out of Christmas snow and Christmas snow can never disappear completely. It sometimes goes away for almost a year at a time and takes the form of spring and summer rain. But you can bet your boots that when a good, jolly December wind kisses it, it will turn into Christmas snow all over again. Karen: Yes, but... He was my friend. Santa Claus: Just watch. Narrator: Hocus-Pocus explained the situtation to Santa, who as you know, speaks fluent rabbit. Boy #1: What shall we call him? How about Harold? Boy #2: Bruce? Children: No. Girl #1: Christopher Columbus? Children: No. Boy #3: Oatmeal? Children: Oatmeal? Professor Hinkle: [after seeing that Santa Claus has brought Frosty back to life] That's my hat and I want it back. Santa Claus: DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THAT. Teacher: [seeing the children out of there seats looking at the snow outside the window and taps ruler on her desk] Children back to your seats. The Snow can wait. Frosty: I can count to ten. One, two, three, four, five, nine, six, eight... Well, I can count to five. Frosty: Uh, oh. Karen: What's the matter, Frosty? Frosty: Is there a thermometer around here? Karen: Over th 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • ere in the wall. Frosty: [Looks at thermometer] I was afraid of that. The thermometer is turning reddish. I hate red thermometers. Karen: Why is that? Frosty: Because when the thermometer gets red, the temperature goes up, and when the temperature goes up, I start to melt, and when I melt, I get all wishy-washy. Traffic Cop: What's the matter? Didn't you see that traffic light? Frosty: What's a traffic light? Traffic Cop: Over there on that lamppost. Frosty: What's a lamppost? Traffic Cop: Are you trying to get a ticket? Frosty: Yes. To the North Pole, please. Professor Hinkle: Now, give me that hat, or else. Frosty: Or else what? Professor Hinkle: Don't bother me with details. Just give me that hat! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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