Shoot Yourself Some Golf (1942)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 短片  运动
  • 片       名Shoot Yourself ...
  • 上映时间1942年04月04日
  • 导       演 Del Frazie...
  • 又       名Shoot Yourself Some Golf
  • 编       剧 George Bea...




  • advertisement Jane Wyman: You know, all golf is a matter of perfect form. Ronald Reagan: [ogling her] That all? You're doin' all right then, aren't yuh? Jane Wyman: No, seriously, Ronnie, maybe your stance isn't correct or maybe you bend your elbows too much. Ronald Reagan: I haven't had a drink since last New Year's. Ronald Reagan: [to Jane] Goodbye, Button Nose. Jack Redmond: Well, Jane, driving a golf ball is just as easy as driving a car. Jane Wyman: Well, that's funny. Every time I drive a golf ball, I hit absolutely nothing, but when I drive a car, - Uh-Oh! Ronald Reagan: [angrily as a golfer rudely plays a ball near him] Hey, what's the big idea? Golfer playing through: I hope you don't mind my playing through. I just received word my house was on fire! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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