Donald's Lucky Day (1939)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 家庭  动画  喜剧
  • 片       名Donald's L...
  • 上映时间1939年01月13日
  • 导       演 Jack King




  • advertisement Gangster 1: [presenting another gangster with a bomb tied to an alarm clock] The bomb's ready, boss. Gangster 2: Swell. Set it for midnight. Gangster 1: Okay, boss. [he does] Gangster 2: Gee, what a Valentine for Scarbush... the rat. Gangster 1: Yeah, it'll be a swell blowout. [laughs] Gangster 1: Did you send for the messenger, boss? Gangster 2: Certainly. The dope's on his way now. Gangster 1: Gee, suppose it goes off too soon, boss. Gangster 2: [laughing] Then we get a new messenger boy, see? [both laugh] Radio Announcer: [on Donald's bike radio as he goes to deliver the package] Are you still alive? Donald Duck: Who, me? Radio Announcer: If so, consider yourself lucky. But beware until midnight; it is still Friday the 13th. Donald Duck: Friday the 13th. [suddenly shocked] Donald Duck: Friday the 13th? [he whistles and then reads the address on the package:] Donald Duck: "1313 13th Street". Oh, that's a bad sign. Radio Announcer: Don't break a mirror. Don't let a black cat cross your path. Don't go under any ladder. Donald Duck: Boy, I'll say I won't. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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