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The Dentist

The Dentist (1932) 7.1

1932-12-09(美国)| 喜剧 短片| 美国
上映时间:1932-12-09(美国) 类型: 喜剧 短片
评分: 力荐

After preliminaries with ice and golf dentist Fields turns to the problems of hius patients. He wrestles one woman all over the office durin...更多>


Dentist: That kid's so dumb he doesn't even know what time it is. Charley Frobisher: By the way, what time is it? Dentist: I don't know. Dentist: Now, have you ever had this tooth pulled, before? Dentist: Get those teeth out of there, they're in my lie.

The Dentist

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