Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wish (2006)

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  • Gary Hobbie: What inspired you to break out the old sleigh? Bud Morris: Well, with so many folks coming to town, I figured we could use a taxi service that didn't use so much gas and pollute our fresh air. All set? Robby Hobbie: Hang on. I just stepped in some horse pollution. Holly Hobbie, Amy Morris, Carrie Baker: Ew. Robby Hobbie: Now remember, you're Santa Claus. No one can know you're really Kyle Morris. Kyle Morris: But isn't there a law against impersonating Santa? Robby Hobbie: Don't think so. You see those fake Santas all the time. Little Girl: You're not Santa! Kyle Morris: Ho ho ho! Yes I am, little girl! Little Girl: You're not fat enough! Kyle Morris: Ho ho ho! That's because I've been on a low-carb diet. Little Girl: Fine! I won't leave you any cookies! I'll eat them all myself! Holly Hobbie: Remember, we can't let them think that we think they're not doing well. We're just checking in. Carrie Baker: Got it. We'll be friendly, but not act like we feel sorry for them. Kelly Deegan: You don't understand, Holly. I don't want Christmas to be here. But it is. And there's nothing that can change the way I feel. I'm sorry. Holly Hobbie: I wasn't trying to embarrass here or make her feel bad, honest, Aunt Jessie. I just wanted to give the Deegans a little bit of Christmas. Aunt Jessie: I know, sweetie, but sometimes the holidays make people sad, especially when they've lost someone. Holly Hobbie: But the boys aren't sad. I mean, they miss their Dad, but they're still excited about Christmas. Kyle Morris: Climb down the chimney? Robby Hobbie: Yeah. Otherwise, they might suspect you're a fake. Kyle Morris: But I am a fake! I've got a pig for a reindeer! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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