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2008-09-24(巴西)| 短片| 巴西
上映时间:2008-09-24(巴西) 类型: 短片
制作/发行:V2 Cinema
评分: 力荐

What is the future of cinema? In 1982, in Cannes, Wim Wenders invited many movie makers to answer this question. 26 years later, the questio...更多>




Wim Wenders:

Cinema make us be, sometimes, really serious because it survives all of us. There, the film survived Michelangelo... and this film here will survive me. One of the most curious and mysterious forces of cinema, is that it survives all of us. And that's why sometimes in front of the cameras, it's all a matter of live and death. So, there is enough reasons to be serious.

[last lines]

Wim Wenders:

Cinema is new, as it always has been, because people need it. They need this tools more than anything. We all know that the "word", spoken and written word, belong to the cultures of the past. And that the future of our culture is "image". And this future has just started. OK? Thank you very much.


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