Indestructible (2007)

  • 美国
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  • 纪录
  • 片       名Indestructible
  • 上映时间2007年03月08日
  • 导       演 Ben Byer
  • 又       名Indestructible


  • Dr. Yongchou Xia: In life, there will be many changes and many adventures. Your disease is one of these adventures, but you can overcome it. Danny Vyvey: You have to do it. You have to. Rob a bank, do whatever, but do it. Do the surgery. You don't have to believe in it, it's just there. It's magic. Do it. Oliver Sacks: Fear of illness, fear of death, fear of chance, which can come and strike someone, one is suddenly reminded, I think, of the contingency of life, that anything can happen to anybody. Daniel Gordis: It's not humanly caused, as far as we know, and it's not masses of people, it's one thoroughly decent, probably reasonably virtuous human being suffering in a way in which he doesn't seem to deserve, how do you make sense of that? Ben Byer: It's like being reborn. It really is a rebirth, you know? It's a new beginning. Subconsciously, I knew something was wrong with my body; I hadn't made that connection until the doctor told me. It was like thunder through my body- nature. We don't make the choice as to whether or not we want to be born and we don't make the choice as to whether or not we want to have a disease. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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