
超级纳妮 (2005) 5.9


2005-01-17(美国)| 励志| 美国
上映时间:2005-01-17(美国) 类型: 励志
评分: 力荐


Daughter: [to camera man] Get out of my room, now! Mother: You won't have any friends to stay over all of next week. Daughter: I don't care. I hate my friends. Son: [to Jo] Go home, now! Mother: If you do that one more time I will confiscate all your toys. Daughter: It doesn't matter! Mother: It does matter, coz you won't have anything to play with. Daughter: I'll buy more toys from the shop! Mother: And who'll pay for them? Daughter: You. Jo Frost: It is basic expectations, Marianne, you do not punch your mother! Daughter: [to Jo] My friend thinks your a bitch ... and so do I! Jo Frost: You do *not* bite me! Jo Frost: Night-night. Son: Go home! Jo Frost: [Bursts into hysterics and turns to camera man] He's just told me to me to go home!


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