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Live Forever

Live Forever (2004) 6.8

2003-03-31(丹麦)| 纪录 音乐| 英国
上映时间:2003-03-31(丹麦) 类型: 纪录 音乐
评分: 力荐



Noel Gallagher: [describing the success of "What's the Story Morning Glory?" in the UK] I personally think "Definitely Maybe" is a much better album. And for the life a me, I can't understand... why, in this country in particular, that when people were going to buy "Morning Glory", they didn't buy "Definitely Maybe". And I'd just like to say, [looking directly into camera] Noel Gallagher: where do you fucking get off on that? You know, when you go to HMV to buy a copy a "Morning Glory", you don't buy "Definitely Maybe". What's that all about? Ya know, do you just do it to piss me off? I'd... I would... It's a source of... I could just sit and think about that for hours. [points at interviewer] Noel Gallagher: Have you got "Definitely Maybe"? [pause] Noel Gallagher: And "Morning"- See? Now, you... I can understand that... People are fucking weird. Liam Gallagher: Didn't like music then. Just played football and come in late for me tea. Knocked on people's doors and run off. Ran through people's gardens and pinched things. Interviewer: What sort of things would you pinch? Liam Gallagher: Clothes off the washing line. If I thought they looked pretty cool, I thought, "I'll have that". Mountain bikes. Lawnmowers. Interviewer: You used to pinch lawnmowers? Liam Gallagher: Yeah. And sell 'em. For weed. Inteviewer: So what is "Live Forever" about then? Liam Gallagher: Well, it's about living forever, aint it.

Live Forever

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