Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters & Marvels (2002)

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Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters & Marvels
  • 片       名Stan Lee's Muta...
  • 上映时间2002年05月07日(美国)
  • 导       演 Scott Zaka...
  • 又       名Stan Lee's Mutants, Monsters...




  • Stan Lee: Spider-Man was Spidey, Captain America was Wing Head, Thor was Goldilocks. I loved calling Iron Man Shell-Head and Daredevil was Horn-Head. Stan Lee: [when asked about writing powerful stuff for children] I never wrote for kids, I wrote for me. Kevin Smith: [talking about Spider-Man's angry DAILY BUGLE boss] Another immortal character in the Spider-Man mythos is J. Jonah Jameson. Stan Lee: Oh, I loved him. Kevin Smith: Where does J. Jonah come from? Stan Lee: You know who J. Jonah Jameson was? Kevin Smith: Who was he? Stan Lee: He was me. He was a irrascible, he was bad-tempered, he was dumb, he thought he was better than he was. He was the version that so many people had of me! And I always wanted to play him in the movie. I was so sorry that by the time the movie was made, I was too old to play the role. Well, I don't think I'm too old, but obviously they did. Oh, and the guy who's playing him is wonderful! He's done it better than I could've done, and that's very high praise! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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