Recording 'The Producers': A Musical Romp with M (2001)

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Recording 'The Producers': A Musical Romp with Mel Brooks


  • Nathan Lane: I think it's time to bring out Marlon Brando. Mr. Brando, how do you feel the recording session is going? Matthew Broderick: [as Brando] What's bein' recorded? Nathan Lane: I don't know whether you heard, but we're doing a little show called "The Producers." Matthew Broderick: [as Brando] But what are you producin'? Do you produce the laughs? Cheap hackneyed humor for a public which is 'preciated on "droolinphibble." Nathan Lane: Well, don't get your kaftan in a twist. Matthew Broderick: [as Brando] This kaftan is made entirely of seaweed. Every bit of fabric. It's renewable... renewable and from the sea. Nathan Lane: Really. Matthew Broderick: [as Brando] I can eat it when I'm done wearin' it. Nathan Lane: Here you go. I knew we'd get some entertainment! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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