恰克贝利演唱会 (1987)

  • 美国
  • |
  • 纪录  传记  音乐
  • 片       名恰克贝利演唱会
  • 上映时间1987年09月18日
  • 导       演 泰勒·海克福德
  • 又       名恰克贝利演唱会 Chuck Berry Hail! Ha...
  • 剧       情
    This documentary covers the concert at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis, Missouri, to celebrate Chuck Berry's sixtieth birthday, and also discus...


  • Chuck Berry: [showing off his Cadillacs] I love the tinted windows, gives me a good place to hide, when it's time to hide. Chuck Berry: Don't touch my amp! Bo Diddley: It became seperated. Suddenly, what they did was rock and roll and what we did was rhythm and blues. Roy Orbison: Well, Chuck Berry is the first singer-songwriter I know of. Jerry Lee Lewis: [explaining payola] See, everybody wants to get paid. Everybody wants the money. Keith Richards: We spent 12 days rehearsing, this goes here, this goes there, go onstage and boom out the window. Wing it! Little Richard: But as I got older, I got bolder. And I started rubbin' shoulders. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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