阿巴合唱团 (1977)

  • 澳大利亚 瑞典
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  • 音乐
  • 剧       情
    Movie detailing ABBA's mega-successful tour of Australia during mid-1977. While it mostly contains back-stage footage and as well as ABBA's ...


  • Reporter: Is it true you are the proud recipient of an award as the lady with the most sexiest bottom? Agnetha: How can I answer to that? I don't know... I haven't seen it! [Ashley is causing trouble in the hotel hallway. The Bodyguard runs out and drags him along by his tape recorder microphone] Bodyguard: [frustrated; into the microphone] Haven't I seen enough of you today? [repeated line] Crowd: [screaming] We want ABBA! We want ABBA! [Benny looks up from a tabloid article he's reading] Benny: What does "kinky" mean? [everyone is looking through concert reviews the next morning] Benny: [reading headline] "Agnetha's Bottom Tops... [covering the word "Dull" with his thumb] Benny: ... Show." Agnetha: Oh, my God... don't they have bottoms in Australia? Björn: [reading from the article] "A middle-aged man beside me said, with feeling, 'It's *really* something worth seeing!'" [laughs] Agnetha: Hey, at least I did *something* for the show, didn't I! [Ashley, seeking an interview, waits nearby as ABBA get into their limo] Ashley Wallace: Can I ... Bodyguard: [cutting him off] No, you can't. [as Ashley is about to leave the radio station] Ashley Wallace: Are you sure you want *me* to do this documentary? Radio Station Manager: Don't use that word - this is not a documentary, it's an event. This is going to be world-wide. [echo on "-wide"] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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