
  • Adolf Hitler: It is our will that this state shall endure for a thousand years. We are happy to know that the future is ours entirely! Josef Goebbels: [Speech during the Reich Party Conference] May the bright flame of enthusiasm never be extinguished. It alone gives light and warmth to the creative art of modern political propaganda. This art rose from the depths of the people and in order to search out its roots and locate its power, it must always return to these depths. It may be alright to possess power based upon guns, it is however better and more gratifying to win and also to champion the hearts of the people. [first lines] Opening crawl: On September 5, 1934, 20 years after the outbreak of the World War, 16 years after Germany's Passion, 19 months after the beginning of the German Rebirth, Adolf Hitler again flew to Nuremberg to review the assembly of his faithful followers. Adolf Hitler: We want this people to be hard, not soft, and you must steel yourselves for it in your youth! Adolf Hitler: Our party remains as firm as this rock and will not be divided by any force in Germany. Adolf Hitler: When our party had only seven men, it already had two principles. First, it wanted to be a party with a true ideology. And second, it wanted to be the one and only power in Germany. Adolf Hitler: All upright Germans will be National Socialists, but only the best National Socialists will be party members! [after invoking God as the creator of the German people] Adolf Hitler: The state doesn't order us! We order the state! We created the state! Hans Frank: As chief of the German justice system, I can only say that since the National Socialist legal system is the foundation of the National Socialist State, for us, our supreme Führer is also supreme judge. And since we know how sacred the principles of justice are to our Führer, we can assure you, fellow citizens, that your life and existence is secure in this National Socialist State of order, freedom, and law! Otto Dietrich: Truth is the basis on which the power of the press stands and falls. Our only demand of the foreign press and our own press, is that they report the truth about Germany. Fritz Reinhardt: Wherever one looks, progress develops, improvements are being made, and new values created. And wherever one looks since last year, there is much industrious activity [that] Fritz Reinhardt: will continue in the future. Julius Streicher: A people that does not protect its racial purity will perish! Robert Ley: One thought must alone dominate all our work: to make the German worker an upright, upstanding, proud and decent citizen, enjoying equal rights with the rest of the Reich! Konstantin Hierl: [Reich Labor Service Corp/Reicharbeitdienst chief presents his men to Hitler] My Führer! I report 52,000 Labor Services men for review. Adolf Hitler: Hail, my Labor Service men! Reich Labor Service Men: [All 52,000 men, in thundering unison] Hail, my Führer! Adolf Hitler: The German people are happy and rekindled to know that a constantly changing vision has been replaced by a steadfast pole! 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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