Shadow Man (2006)

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  • 动作  战争
Shadow Man


  • Jack Foster: [Jack is holding a martial art class] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • So the idea of dim mak or any kind of internal technique, is not to hurt others, but to help others. Dim mak can be used to heal people, it can be used to kill people. This is the nature of chi. Chi can be used in striking for just external...... or internal. If you go to the internal organs, you'll do great damage. External, you can just move them a little bit. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • [demonstrates on a student, hits him in the stomach and the student is pushed back a bit] Jack Foster: Or you can go internal. [demonstrates on a water melon] Amanda Foster: Is it true we're gonna see horses there? Jack Foster: Yeah! We are gonna see horses. We might even see your mama's horse. Amanda Foster: Cool! Jack Foster: I lost a wife, she lost a mother. Ambassador Cochran: The next time something goes wrong, I better know about it half a heartbeat after you do. Jack Foster: Life is all about exchange, you know? Life is always a tradeoff. I got something they want, they got something I want. Ambassador Cochran: I'm sorry you got yourself dragged into this shit. I know you've been out of the game a long time. Things are different for you now, and I believe Harry was right. You just want to get your daughter back. Jack Foster: That's it. That's all. Jack Foster: It ain't over til the wolf howls. Ambassador Cochran: [to Jack] At least you know I was good for something. Like my word. Jack Foster: I'm done talking. Jack's Girlfriend: [Jack is busy with his laptop and his girlfriend is standing behind him in a bathrobe] Are you ignoring me? Jack Foster: Why shouldn't I ignore you? Jack's Girlfriend: [She drops her bathrobe and is all nude] Got it? Jack Foster: [Jack smiles] Oh, yeah. I got it. Ambassador Cochran: He runs a Fortune 500 company. He's out of the game. He has no reason to go round... Waters: He's carrying a fucking gun on him. That doesn't sound like a CEO to me. Guys like that can never step away. He was uncontrollable back then, right. [Waters turn to Harry] Harry: Yeah, don't forget that. He did shit that's still classified. He's not someone to fuck with, ma'am. Waters: We can see that. Anya: [Jack enters a public women's bathroom] I wondered if you'd come in here or if you'd wait outside. You must be getting desperate. Jack Foster: Oh, I am desperate. You know why? Somebody's got my daughter. Anya: So what's she worth to you? Jack Foster: She's worth a lot. She's worth my life... and yours. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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