舞会战士 (2006)

  • 美国
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  • 动作  冒险


  • [after telling about her destiny] Wendy Wu: You know what, Yoda? This is getting a little too Star Wars-y for me! Shen: You changed destiny. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Wendy Wu: I know!... Are you mad? Shen: [about Austin] So it's an illusion of the heart. Wendy Wu: An old Buddist saying? Shen: No, a Shen saying. Austin: [Walks up] Hey, babe. I thought that we were going to meet earlier to do some campaigning? I thought we were in this to win? [Looks at her] Austin: Uh... [Groans] Austin: I told you to wear the peach shirt, it looks SO great with this shirt! Wendy Wu: I'm sorry. [sighs] Wendy Wu: I've just been spending a lot of time with Shen. [Looks at Shen then back to Austin] Austin: Him? I'm your boyfriend, not him! Wendy Wu: Boyfriend? [pauses] Wendy Wu: Isn't this... [looks at Shen] Wendy Wu: ...an illusion of the heart? Austin: A what? Wendy... I don't even know you anymore! Wendy Wu: Austin... you never did! Austin: Are you breaking up with me? Wendy Wu: Yeah... [Looks at Shen] Wendy Wu: I guess I am. Shen: You are now a Yin Warrior. Wendy Wu: Yay! Come on, Shen! Let's celebrate with your first cappuccino! Shen: Whatever it is, I hope it's chocolate! [Wendy giggles] Peter: Hey Shen... does it get cold under your robe, dude? [on Chinese culture] Nina Wu: We never cared about this kind of thing when we were young. Kenny Wu: I know. "Everybody Wang Chung tonight" was as cultural as we got. Peter: This is the biggest hot tub I've ever seen! [Jumps into pool] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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