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Killa Season

Killa Season (2006) 5.1

2006-02-15(美国)| 动作 传记 犯罪| 美国
上映时间:2006-02-15(美国) 类型: 动作 传记 犯罪
评分: 力荐

Flea was a basketball player, happy with his subtle hustle, until a Dominican connect introduced him to a new way to spread the work and mak...更多>


Flea: [narrating] My fur game was at an all-time high Flea: Yup, that's my life in Harlem. The ups, the downs, the highs, the lows Bandana: They trying to take over the block Flea: [shouts] Fuck you, Habibi! I'm taking this fuckin' bread. Flea: What's poppin'?

Killa Season

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