"Winx Club" (2004)

  • 美国 意大利
  • |
  • 动画  动作  冒险
  • 片       名"Winx Club&...
  • 上映时间2004年06月19日
  • 导       演 Iginio Str...
  • 剧       情
    In a magical universe, witches, warriors begin fighting in the name of good .vs. evil! A group of five teenaged girls where choosen to defen...


  • Musa: You're a two-faced playa! Brandon: Wow. I never knew I'd wish I was ugly. Stella: I've swallowed, like half the river already! Brandon: Just think of it as spring water - just without the bottle. Prince Sky: In Red Fountain we have a saying: the quest is more important than the heroes. Stella: Driver, i think i'm about to hurl. Queen Amentia: Your head would look so good on this bust! Brandon: You're going to chop my head off? Riven}: Saladin should have sent me. We would have been back by now. Bloom: [to icy] How was the Nuthouse? Stormy: If any of these flowers were alive, I'd kill them. Prince Sky: Just when you thought it couldn't get any darker or colder Stella: Now you pull that out! Brandon: I was saving it for an emergency. Stella: Good. because I think this qualifies as one! Tecna: [referring to Stella] There's only one good logical term for the way she's acting. Crazy! Tune: No more yelling, you are breaking all the prisoner ettiquette rules! Tune: [after hitting Kiko with her umbrella] Don't be rude! Riven: The Riventator. Griffin: We don't do prom, we crash prom. Light Haven Guard 1: Light Haven is a prison. Light Have Guard 2: This is a colony. Light Haven Guard 1: These people can't live and I can't even think of leaving. Light Have Guard 2: It is a positive affirmation and re-education colony. Light Haven Guard 1: These people are prisoners. Light Have Guard 2: No, these people are guests. Brandon: I would rather be eaten by a zunzun worm than marry you! Tecna: When in doubt, go digital. Icy: [freezing Tecna and Timmy] I call this geek a-la-mode. Darcy: [circling cars around Musa] This is a fun game. It's called Crash Test Fairy! Stormy: [pointing at Icy's chin] 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • That has to be the single, most disgusting wart ever. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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  • Stormy: Are you falling in love? Darcy: That's a four-letter word! Icy: I think Darcy would like to make him her pet project. [with Stormy] Emphasis on pet! [laughter] Musa: It takes a strong heart to cry, but it takes a stronger heart to say why. Musa: My dad said once, "It's cool to try and fail, but to not try is not cool." Stella: Blisters are my enemy. Bloom: What if Griselda comes in here? Griselda: [appears at the doorway] Yeah, what if? Musa: Busted. Musa: You hear of hip-hop? This is hip-mop! Riven: Lame. Bloom: [looks at a damaged potions lab] You did that? Stella: I was trying to make another shade of pink. Musa: Stormy has left the building. Stormy: Being in this room gives me potion's class nightmares! Darcy: Well, get over it, Wiatch. 复制 复制成功 复制失败,请手动复制
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